How To Keep Your Website Running Smoothly: The Maintenance Checklist

After launching the website, the client naturally cuts off all relations with the website. Continuous maintenance is necessary to keep the website running in the ever-evolving digital world. If your website was developed on WordPress, then regular maintenance is essential. Maintenance helps to maintain the security of the website as well. Also, ensure you hire a professional website designer in Billingshurst for proper web design. Here are a few small points of consideration that you should keep in mind to ensure the website runs smoothly.

Essential checklist to ensure your website is running smoothly

Take backups regularly

What if some problem occurs during the website maintenance process? You must ensure regular backups are taken so that your website has all the necessary data. Do not rely on automatic backups. If something goes wrong with the server, you can save your website with the help of the backups that you’ve taken.

Update the themes and plugins

To ensure that your WordPress website is running smoothly, make sure that you keep updating the themes and the plugins as well. Updating plugins is essential for maintaining the website’s security, performance and functionality. Updating means installation of the latest versions to keep the website running smoothly. Similarly, with the themes, continuous updating is essential.

Check and optimise website speed

Is your website taking forever to load? This is a major turnoff for the visitors and the users. If you want the website to function smoothly, optimise the images, reduce the pressure on the website, and readily enhance the website’s speed. When the website loads quickly, it improves the user experience.

Monitor the analytics of the website

With the help of Google Analytics, the business owner will get valuable insights into the website’s traffic. You can also check the user behaviour, demographic information, bounce-back rates, and conversion rates with the analytics you install on the website. If the analytics are present, you can also find the potential website issues and the sudden changes in the website’s traffic levels from the same.

Make sure uptime monitoring is done

A website needs to be responsive. How do we ensure the same? Engage in the uptime monitoring process. This helps to track and assess the availability and responsiveness of the website. You can use automated tools to check the website’s status. Having uptime monitoring helps to keep the user alert all the time about the issues that are occurring on the site.

Keep testing the contact forms

Last but not least, make sure that you keep on testing the contact forms from time to time so that you are aware of the proper functionalities of the website. Make it a ritual to test the contact forms at least once a month.


To boost your business with well-developed websites, contact nu media group. We have a brilliant team of web developers and designers who can help you with proper website development and maintenance.