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PPC Data From nu media group Google Ads Dashord

The Process of PPC

Our expert marketing strategists are highly versed in this technique and take a calculated approach to ensure you get the most bang for your buck. The process involves:
  • Keyword research
  • Competitor research
  • Bidding strategy
  • Conversion tracking icon
  • Icon web page optimisation
PPC is only effective when optimised for your business. The process requires a strategic bidding approach and may not suit every business, particularly those in saturated industries that realistically won’t succeed without an excessive budget.
We offer free consultations to determine whether or not PPC would be a worthwhile venture for your company. We will consider a host of factors, including your goals and your budget, weighing up the pros and cons before concluding whether or not it would be a viable course of action.
Alternatively, we can also analyse the health of your existing PPC campaign and advise whether or not to adjust your strategy. We will continue to assess what is and isn’t working to ensure your campaign is as effective and efficient as possible throughout our collaboration.
PPC Data From nu media group Google Ads Dashord