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Different Types of Brand Videos That A Business Can Use

members of staff behind the scenes filming

When the brands can communicate who they are, they get more leads converted into customers instantly. What is your business all about? What does your brand do? Why should people purchase your product or avail of your service?

Brand videos can help your business communicate its mission, vision, and brand value to its target customers. For this, you need help from professional business video services. Brand videos are made in a diverse array of styles. The aim of a brand video is to educate the target customers about the business’s mission, vision, and brand value.

Contact professionals for business video services in Crossbush and get a unique brand video for your business. This will boost your business readily.


What are the different types of brand videos?

Brand anthem videos

This video is a simple yet creative declaration of what your business brand is all about. What is your business about? Why do you exist? What do you stand for? A simple 2-minute video speaks volumes about your brand and attracts the attention of the target customers. The purpose is to make your brand memorable and strengthen the bond with the existing customer base.


Corporate culture videos

This short video aims to highlight the current corporate environment, work values, ethics, and fun activities within a business. It is mainly made to attract more fresh talent into the business.


Product/ service videos

Whether you have a product or a service, an effective way of selling is through creative and informative product or service videos. Including product/service videos on your website increases the number of visitors to your web page. These videos are more than 3 minutes long and generally include a short detail and the features of the product/service.


Social media brand videos

Customised according to the needs of the social media platforms, these videos are highly creative, very short and focused. They are posted to improve the number of followers on social media websites. With engaging social media videos, your business can increase brand visibility.


Customer feedback videos

Word-of-mouth marketing is a feasible way to boost a product or service’s sales. When fresh leads listen to happy customer reviews, they are provoked to make a purchase. Customer testimonial videos are eye-openers and add value to the business’s website. Hearing rather than reading has more power, so customer feedback videos are an integral part of every business website.


Business FAQ videos

Addressing customers’ common and probable questions is a way to keep them visiting again for second and third purchases. Business FAQ videos help make this possible. They are generally posted on the home page and are part of an effective customer management strategy.


Contact nu media group for professional business video services and to make your digital marketing a success. We have professional videographers who can help you with this. Contact us for more details.