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Different Types of Website Designs and Layouts To be Used for Website Development

Web Design

Different Types of Website Designs and Layouts To be Used for Website Development

Effective and impressive website designs can change the face of a business. A good website is a medium through which companies can reach out to their customers, promote their products and services, increase sales and ensure a positive revenue inflow. Hence, developing a responsive website design for your business website can help you promote your business to the mass customer market. For a professional website design agency in Surrey that can help you with the perfect website design for your business, contact nu media group today.

A good website design will be visually appealing, user-friendly, functional, and have a simple layout and engaging content. To accomplish this, experienced web designers will use different website designs and layouts depending on the company’s services, product line and the site’s intention.

Before you venture onto the path of website design for your business, read on to know more about the types of website designs and layouts that are available.

Five Types of Website Design

Single page design

Single page websites are designs where the website’s information is displayed on a single page. The length of the page can be as long as the designer wants it to be, depending on the company’s vision. This type of website can be beneficial as a single page can encapsulate the company’s story, mission, vision, and products/services, allowing customers to find all their required information in one place. This makes the information easily accessible, even for those unwilling to scroll through multiple pages.

Static web design

This type of web design does not allow the users to interact with the web page. The designers make a consistent design for all platforms. Static websites are created using HTML or CSS codes, and are ideal for SMEs or small startups as they are simple and low-costing.

Responsive web design

A responsive website design changes the layout resolution and displays information to fit all devices and screen sizes. Designers create responsive web designs to suit all browsing mediums. The majority of large scale organisations focus on using this type of website design. It allows customer interaction with the website and helps customers browse through the products and services.

Dynamic web design

Dynamic web designs are created with the help of PHP, JavaScript and ASP. These websites allow content to be displayed depending on user behaviour. Experienced and technically sound website developers are generally required to develop this type of website. Because of the intricate model, these types of websites are expensive.

Fixed web design

This design makes the website fixed, no matter where you browse. The designers use strict resolutions and measurements that will make the website visible in the same way on a mobile and a computer. This type of website design is beneficial from the designers’ viewpoint as they don’t need to make any changes. However, since the website does not fit the small screen, users may find it difficult to scroll through the web page on a mobile device.

Three different types of website layouts

Asymmetrical layout

Using this layout makes one side of the web page larger than the other. Companies often prefer this type of layout to ensure that the company mission statement, slogan, or catchy tagline is more than the other parts of the website layout. Smaller sections are often used to attract the customers’ attention to the chat boxes so that they can easily communicate with the company’s staff.

Split-screen layout

This layout allows the customers to divide the screen into two halves. This works well for the companies with two major segments of products that they want to promote on the same page. For instance, a retail clothing company can easily use a split-screen layout to equally display the men and women’s sections.

F-shaped layout

The F-shaped layout website design helps create a general viewing option for visitors. Scientifically, when you view web page, your eyes will form an F and E shape. The F-shaped layout is designed with this in mind. It allows the customers to scan the page and fetch the relevant information with ease.

For a well-designed website, hire expert web designers at nu media group. We offer bespoke web design services in Surrey and guarantee a website that is a perfect blend of creativity and functionality.