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Exploring the Key Trends in the Digital Marketing Platform in 2020

Exploring the Key Trends in the Digital Marketing Platform in 2020

2020 is already here, and it’s the right time to consider the key trends to be attributed to your marketing strategy. It will work wonders in the digital marketing platform. You must have achieved a lot in 2019, but there must be a few areas you want to improve on. Here are the top trends in digital marketing strategy to guide you in your marketing efforts. These will help you to capture more leads and stay ahead of your competitors.

6 Momentous Trends In 2020 to be applied to Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Marketing Automation

You must try out different marketing channels to gain fresh leads, tend them and convert them to customers. It takes a lot of time and effort in nurturing the leads which can otherwise be expended in other significant activities. That’s where marketing automation comes handy. It automates the task and offers substantial results. There are also other advantages to using automation. They provide a detailed overview of all the interactions between the prospect and your brand across all channels.

Voice search

Voice transcription technology has indeed brought a revolutionary change in this digital world. Voice searches are steadily becoming almost at par with human beings. The growing popularity of smart speakers coupled with voice searches is something the present generation raves about. No wonder, it will be trending in 2020 as well. As voice search is a more comfortable option so definitely, users will speak longer queries than what they wish to write. Hence, targeting long-tail keywords in the content will be a great marketing strategy to be incorporated.  The other strategy to exploit the voice search advantage is to create conversational content and attributing it with some questions than the audience might put up with relevant answers to them. It would be wise to include some potential keywords in the content and the chances of getting displayed in the featured snippets increases.

Interactive content

Incorporating interactive content is another excellent tactics to engage your audience the most. This content works great at phase of the marketing funnel. Some of the best examples of interactive content include contests, games, quizzes, assessments, infographics, and so on.


As the visitors reach your website and start browsing through the different pages, several queries crop up in their mind.  It solely depends on your ability to answer the enquiries that determine if they will move to the next level of the sales funnel or will drop out. The best option to the situation is the implementation of chatbots. They are the most accessible resources to answer the queries of the users 24X7. Now they are more empowered with the integration of artificial intelligence (AI). You can personalise the chatbots and can train them to greet the visitors and answer common questions. In case the problem is unique, then they can alert the customer representative. They are effective means to increase the rate of conversions.

Analysis of Sentiment

Previously, it was only possible to interpret the results in terms of leads generated and conversions accomplished or when your company’s account been tagged by a user over social media. As users don’t always remember to tag, then certain valuable information gets lost in transit. Now, as machine learning has developed to a great extent, so it is possible to perceive natural language processing in a better way. This gives you an edge over your competitors as you can well interpret what’s the audience are thinking. The attitude of the audience about your product or service is generally categorised into positive, negative, and neutral sentiments. The sentiment analysis process indeed benefits your marketing effort. You can implement it wisely in your marketing strategy.

Micro-influencer Marketing

Getting your brand promoted by influencers is one of the trending marketing strategies right now. There are two types of influencer- macro and micro. The macro influencers are the ones with more than 10,000 followers, and the micro ones have 10,000 or lower number of followers. It is better to use micro-influencers as although they have fewer followers, but they are popular in a particular niche. Thus they can engage the followers in a better way and produce target results.

If these tactics are followed wisely using your intuition and decisiveness well, then it will indeed produce great results. So use the various digital marketing platforms and accomplish your marketing goals well. You can even get in touch with a renowned digital marketing company like nu media group and reap advantages galore.