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Page Speed Optimisation

Before launching your website, it is important to conduct a test run to ensure optimal performance. Is your website loading at the desired speed? Don’t worry, our team of experts at nu media group can swiftly resolve this issue for you.

Local SEO

What Is Page Speed Optimisation?

Page Speed refers to the time it takes for content or media to load on a web page. It measures how long it takes for media content to be downloaded from the hosting server and displayed on the web browser. Page load time is the time between clicking a link and the content being displayed on the web browser.

Remember to consider the importance of page speed for your website. It significantly impacts the overall user experience and is crucial for optimisation. Unlike other web designers, developers, or businesses, nu media group prioritises maximising customer experience to drive growth and increase sales.

Factors Impacting Page Speed

Server performance is crucial for web hosting, as a sluggish or overwhelmed server can significantly delay loading web pages. Large files such as images, videos, and scripts can also cause slow loading times, but file optimization reduces their size and enhances website speed. Image optimization, by compressing images and using correct formats like JPEG, PNG, or WebP, can make a big difference in page load times. Additionally, browser caching saves local copies of web pages, minimizing server requests and significantly boosting page load times for repeat visitors. Implementing these strategies improves user experience and increases page speed.

Page Speed Optimisation And SEO

Did you know that speed is a crucial factor in selling online? It’s true! Let us show you why. Google’s algorithm greatly values Page Speed. In fact, they recommend a page load time of just three seconds. If you are wanting your website to rank on the first page of Google, you’ll need to outperform ten other organic results in terms of page speed.

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While we are first and foremost a creative agency, we never neglect the numbers. Our SEO team compiles various data to produce the most effective strategy possible, including everything from consumer geographic locations and attitudes to lifestyle and brand affinities. We analyse the behaviours of your current customers and prospects to devise an efficient SEO campaign.