Difference Between Facebook And Instagram For Businesses

Difference Between Facebook And Instagram For Businesses

Social media has grown to become an integral part of people’s life. The amount of time people spend online is steadily increasing every day. Social media has surpassed television to become the top choice of people in their free time in the past decade. This has had a massive impact on businesses. The trends have shifted, and the amount and attention dedicated to digital marketing are at an all-time high today. Social media management in West Sussex is a crucial part of digital marketing. Facebook and Instagram are the leaders of social media. But they aren’t the same when it comes to using it as a tool for your business. Both will give you different results depending on what company you have. Here are some key differences to keep in mind: 

  • The audience is very different on both the platforms. Instagram is where you will find the youth. The older generation is more active on Facebook. If your business is all about trends and pop culture and made for the millennials, Instagram is the place to be. Facebook works well for more mature, practical products that aren’t targeted towards one age group.

  • Both platforms can also help you reach different goals. If you aim to build a brand, make an image and stir up a reputation, Instagram is beneficial. You must be aware of ‘Instagram brands’ that owe their success to the platform. On the other hand, if you are more about direct selling and reaching more people in an area, Facebook has the right tools and gives better results.

  • Your marketing strategy has to vary for both the platforms as well. The same ad campaign will give you very different results. It is wise to create separate ads tailored to the platforms. Instagram inclines on the visual end more than Facebook. Fabulous pictures and catchy captions do well on Instagram. If you plan to work with influencers, you will mostly end up using Instagram. It has a more significant engagement ratio and usually gives a satisfactory return on engagement.

 It takes a lot of analysis and experience to master the art of social media management in West Sussex. If you are looking for a reliable company for your business, Nu Media Hub is the place for you. They have been in the industry for a very long time. They have mastered the tricks of the trade and work with you to give you what is best for your business.