Why Are Seasonal Videos Essential For Your Business?

Seasonal Video

Why Are Seasonal Videos Essential For Your Business?

With the new technology and social media updates, the use of video is becoming a huge part of marketing and is key to use for all businesses. Videos are an incredibly powerful marketing tool—but businesses don’t always use them to their full potential. Videos can be used to promote products and services, increase brand awareness, humanise your brand, and much more. If your business isn’t using videos in its marketing, you could be missing out on a huge opportunity to engage with your target audience. 

As the leaves change colour and fall from the trees, now is the time to start thinking about marketing your business for the autumn season. And what better way to do that than with a seasonal video? Seasonal videos are a great way to engage with your customers and get them excited about your products or services. Halloween and Christmas are significant events coming over the next few months, and here at nu media, we can help you to create the best spooky or holiday season video for your business. 

Show Off Your Brand Personality 

Videos give you the chance to show off your brand’s personality. By humanising your brand with videos, you’ll make it easier for people to connect with you and remember you when they need your products or services. Creating a seasonal video shows you can be fun and creative and adds personality to your brand, showing what you as a business are genuinely like. This makes your company relatable and inclusive for everyone, and people will want to interact with you. It can also help you stand out from the crowd. Having a seasonal video made is a little different and something that not everyone would think of. This enables you to get ahead of your competitors by doing something unique they might not consider. 

Did You Know?

Did you know that studies show that four times as many consumers would rather watch a video about a product instead of reading about it? This shows how powerful video can be for your business and how much of an impact it can have. Not using this tool is a huge mistake as it could lead you to gain a wider audience and more customers. 

YouTube has over a billion users, almost one-third of the internet, and those users watch over a billion hours of video daily. This shows how huge the Youtube platform has become. Think of this as a new audience for your business with the opportunity to reach new customers.  

Creating a seasonal video can also help you reach a wider audience on your social media platforms. Someone might see your seasonal video, think, wow, that looks really cool, and then want to interact with you. They might not have been interested in your brand before, but after seeing the video, they want to learn more about it. Reels on Instagram are key at the moment, and using a seasonal video in a reel is a fantastic way to help create engagement and reach new audiences. 

What Can nu media Do For You?

Here at nu media, we can cater to all your video needs. We have a professional, in-house videography team specialising in all types of video genres, catering to exactly what your business needs. Get started with video marketing today by letting us create a seasonal video for your business! With these tips, we will be sure to create an innovative, visually appealing video that promotes your products or services in the best possible light. Contact us today for any enquiries, or visit our video page here to find out more.