Top Web Design Trends Of 2020 to Make Your Website Impressive

Top Web Design Trends Of 2020 to Make Your Website Impressive

Digital marketing has become essential for every brand right now. Your digital presence not only creates leads but is also associated with your image and reputation. A strong digital presence is a common factor in most of the top companies in the world right now. Your website has to be expertly created to make a good impression.  Incorporating the top trends of 2020 in your website design in West Sussex will help you reach your goals. You can take a look at some of them below: 

  • Customisation of the landing page. Most people can be converted into a customer within the first few minutes of them using your website. Personalisation of landing pages is one of the best ways to do so. Use data to show things relevant to them as soon as they land. One home page or campaign will not work for everyone. Filter content according to their gender, age group and interests to get the maximum attention.
  • Use of artificial intelligence (AI). AI and ML are all the rage in the digital medium today. Some of the biggest apps, like youtube and Instagram, use algorithms to filter content. If you have a website, you must consider the use of chatbots. This gives you an option to provide instant support to your visitors 24*7 without having to look into it at all times. It has become relatively cheap now in comparison, and it is worth a try.
  • The dark mode and neon theme. The aesthetic provided by using them separately or together make a huge impact. It has been popular for a very long time, and its popularity doesn’t seem to be decreasing any time soon. The contrast provided by dark mode helps in making things pop and stand out, immediately bringing attention to the point. This also reduces the brightness on the screen, reducing eye strain and consuming less battery power.
  • More visuals or bold texts on the website. Gone are the days where you could see long paragraphs full of information on a website. Today, it is crucial to convey the message as soon as possible. Use images or videos and animations to replace long paragraphs. You can also increase the use of single words replacing phrases and work on emphasising them by using bold colours or bigger size.

These are a few of the trends that will help you in keeping up the current times. If you are looking for a company to do website design in West Sussex and more, Nu Media Hub will be a perfect choice. They are experts in the digital media market and will handle all your concerns with ease.