Why Does Your Business Need a Web Designer?

Web Design

Why Does Your Business Need a Web Designer?

  • Navigation

Making it easy for your audience to navigate through your website is one of the necessary aspects. You may have to keep the choices simple, which indicates keeping minimum options for the audience. A good designer will keep this in mind and only put options that are necessary for your business. This will make sure that it is easy for the user to choose between the options.

  • User-Friendliness

How the website looks, how user-friendly it is, determines how it will impact the user or the target audience. There are few things that a user visits your website for – to search the services or products you offer; you’re about section and your contact details.  A skilled designer’s job is to make all these things traceable for the visitor. This includes putting your products and services in the primary section or displaying your contact details on the top side of the home page.

  • Conversion

The skilled designer you choose to hire must find you the best strategies to increase your website’s conversion rate. Your website may include an attractive call for action buttons or clickable links that will land them to the designated page. One of the many things that need to be kept in mind is not to crowd the space around the action button or link. Crowding the area around will divert the attention of the visitor.

  • SEO

Moving forward from a website’s visuals, SEO has to be a significant aspect your designer gives priority to. SEO can break or make the actual purpose behind a well-designed website. Your website needs to be SEO friendly so that it ranks on the search engine. There lies the trickiest part; you need to make sure that you are not keyword stuffing your website. The right web designer will know how to keep the perfect balance between keyword stuffing and making your website SEO-friendly.

  • Compatibility

When you are building a website, you have to make sure that it is compatible with every device widely in use. You will not make the website accessible to smartphone users or tab users in particular. You must make your website compatible with every OS and device. You would have to put a great effort into making it mobile-friendly, as the users will be mostly visiting your website from a smartphone primarily.

  • Professionalism

Even though this is the last one on the list, it is equally essential for your website. You need to make sure that your website looks professional. This is why you will need a skilled website designer. There is a big chance that your visitors will not be browsing through your website if they sense an unprofessional approach. You have to make sure that the website is clean and not crowded with information.

Hire nu media group if you search for great website designers to attract potential clients for your business.

The Role of Web Animations in Modern Day Website Designing Trends

The Role of Web Animations in Modern Day Website Designing Trends

Websites used to be very minimal in design and simple in concept. The focus on user experience was minimal too. Nowadays, that concept of website design has changed.

Now the companies that provide solutions for website design in Chichester target to take the matter of user experience to the next level. The addition and improvement of web animation are one of the current trends these modern website designers are applying to offer one of a kind experience to their users.

With advanced solutions like HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript, website design becomes more customer-centric and revolutionised.

How Animation Takes Part in Website Design

Since the ideas and goals of website designing have gone through a massive change in the last decade, the application of animation becomes a useful part of this. Nowadays, trained website designers try to use the effects of animation to create eye-catchy websites to pull the attention of the users.

The improvement of the UI and the UX can be possible only because of the successful use of animation in website design.

Animation makes interaction with users easier than before. It is easier to interact with them through animation than words or paragraphs.

The website designers can provide useful and important information to the users through attractive animation without making them feel bored.

Some of the Common Types of Animations Are

Hover: When the user passes their cursor over a certain item on your website, the hover effect can make their experience more amazing.

Tool Tips: Whenever you wish to show extra information to your user, you can take the help of Tooltips; especially in filling forms on a website.

Inputs: Inputs animations are another great example of how animation can change the face of website design. This works nicely for the users when they need to fix errors and fill the missing fields of a form.

Loading: With this unique technique, you can keep your users entertained during the time of page loading. Only a well-trained and creative web designer can understand how interesting loading can be made.

Menus: The use of animation of web page menus is a great way to impress visitors. It is a brilliant way to keep them interactive with your website.

To enjoy all these fabulous effects of animation on website design; you need to hire the most talented, experienced and knowledgeable website designers in Chichester.

You can get such expertise in nu media group. Please get in touch with us for more information.