Comprehensive Guide to Visual Rebranding From an Expert Branding Agency in West Sussex

A Comprehensive Guide to Visual Rebranding From an Expert Branding Agency in West Sussex

A Comprehensive Guide to Visual Rebranding From an Expert Branding Agency in West Sussex

So… You’ve decided it’s time for a business makeover. You want to give your brand an innovative refresh, but you’re faced with the inevitable, inexorable question.


Rebranding is undoubtedly an intimidating task. How do you rebrand whilst maintaining your brand recognition? How do you change your business’s personality and values without losing your loyal customer base?

There are certainly a fair few brands that have failed in this regard in the past. Particularly notable rebranding mistakes include the likes of Gap and Weight Watchers. That’s right – even the most prominent names aren’t immune.

One of the biggest keys to a successful rebrand is making sure it’s actually necessary. If you’re wondering whether or not this is the next logical step for your business, check out our last blog to find out when you should reevaluate your branding efforts. 

If you’ve decided it’s time to rebrand visually, you’ve come to the right place. Keep reading for a comprehensive rebranding guide from an expert branding agency in West Sussex. 

How Far Will You Go?

This is pretty much the first question you need to ask yourself.

Do you want to completely make over your business with a total rebrand? Of course, there’s a lot more at stake when you start from scratch, but it is necessary in some cases.

The more common course of action is a partial rebrand, which involves adjusting your brand identity to better suit your new values, mission or market.

Company Name

If you’re going for a total rebrand, this branding element is going to be at the top of your list of considerations. Of course, it’s always going to be a risky move to change the name of your business, particularly for more established companies, as you could be jeopardising your brand recognition.

However, if your brand name no longer aligns with the services or products you offer, renaming could be a necessary step to starting afresh. Alternatively, if you’re attempting to absolve your brand from a bad reputation, a name change could help give you the distance you were looking for.

Logo and Slogan

Aside from your name, your logo and slogan will likely be the most memorable elements of your brand. 

Think about it.

If you hear: ‘Just Do It’ or ‘Because You’re Worth it’, you instantly think about Nike and Loreal. Similarly, if you see a big yellow ‘M’ on a billboard somewhere, you know instantly what company is being advertised. 

That’s the power of a good logo and slogan.

When it comes to your logo, we always recommend not straying too far from the original. This will help you retain much more of your brand recognition than if you completely switched it up.

As far as your slogan goes, you ideally want it to align with your USP (unique selling proposition). After all, your slogan is essentially a marketing tool to a) encapsulate the essence of your company and b) help you stand out. Coincidentally, that’s also the job of your USP. 

Colour and Typography

Of course, you can’t do much with a logo or a slogan without colours and fonts. 

Typography is an invaluable tool for showcasing your brand’s personality and reaching the targeted audience. Trying to give off a formal impression, targeting a more mature demographic? Maybe opt for a classic serif font like Times New Roman. Or maybe you’re trying to make a statement and project your creative side? In that case, a decorative typeface might do the trick (though we recommend not overusing decorative fonts).

You can’t underestimate the power of colour psychology in your marketing strategy. Consider how you want your audience to feel when thinking about your brand. Think about the impression you want to give. Colour themes are about more than just brand recognition; they are also about personality.

Rebranding Made Easy

If you’re overwhelmed, you won’t be for much longer.

nu media group comprises a dynamic team of branding experts eager to help you in your rebranding endeavours.

We can help you with every element of your visual branding, helping you smash your new market and achieve all your marketing goals.

Get in touch with us via the form on our website to set up a branding consultation. If you’d like a guide to the non-visual elements of rebranding, stick around to read next week’s blog.