The Best Social Media Platform For Your Business: Explained

The Best Social Media Platform For Your Business: Explained

The Best Social Media Platform For Your Business: Explained

Picture this: You’ve just started your dream business.

It goes pretty well for the first few months; you’re getting sales here and there in your local area, and your revenues are slowly increasing. 

Until suddenly, they’re not.

There’s nothing quite as demotivating as watching your progress stagnate. 

Unfortunately, traditional word-of-mouth marketing probably isn’t enough to get your business noticed in this day and age. 

It doesn’t look like social media marketing is going anywhere anytime soon. Unfortunately, even the more traditional businesses need an active presence online if they’re hoping to get anywhere. 

Easier said than done, right?

With so many new social platforms emerging and growing in popularity with each passing year, you’re probably wondering where to even start.

The good news is this: You don’t need to be on every platform to succeed on social media. It’s much better if you get one or two right than do all of them half-heartedly.

Think it Through

The bad news is this: You do need to think logically about where you’re going to focus your efforts. 

Don’t panic, though! That’s what this blog is here for. We’ve broken down everything you need to think about before settling on a choice.

Take it Step by Step

First off (and most importantly), you need to think about why you’re using social media. What do you want to gain from it?

Some of the most common reasons businesses use social media are to build brand awareness, boost SEO, connect with customers, and drive sales.

We recommend choosing one or two key goals and focusing on those, at least for a little while.

Your next step is to identify your target audience and create a buyer persona

A buyer persona is a fictional character depicting your target customer, used in marketing to help businesses tailor their services and content to the customers’ needs and desires. 

(If you’d like to learn more about how to create a buyer persona and why they’re so important, stick around for next week’s blog.)

Next, consider what type of content your business lends itself to. If you have a website already, analyse what’s on there. 

Is it more visual or wordy?

Does your team have a strong dynamic that you could showcase through video?

Once you’re clear on those three points, it’s time to get down to business (no pun intended).


An oldie but a goodie. 

Despite declining in popularity slightly over the past few years, Facebook is still undoubtedly an invaluable tool in every marketer’s arsenal.

Facebook is particularly useful for businesses looking to connect with their customers due to its highly accessible communication features. 

Its targeted ad system is also a highly popular and effective method of promotion among countless businesses.

Some companies even create Facebook ‘groups’ for their loyal customer base.

It’s worth noting that Facebook is typically more popular with slightly older internet users, making it a good option for companies with buyer personas in that age bracket.


Instagram is perfect for any company with anything visual to show their audience. 

It’s also pretty diverse. From feed posts and reels to stories, you can share a wide range of content on Instagram. 

Having been designed for mobile devices, Instagram is typically mostly popular with the younger generations (think Gen Z and Millennials). 

The only downside to Instagram is the ever-evolving, ever-elusive algorithm, which has developed a pretty infuriating reputation with marketers over the past few years. Fortunately, it’s nothing a good strategy can’t overcome!


As the new kid on the block, TikTok is the platform you want if you’re aiming to appeal to the teens. 

This is the perfect opportunity to show the human side of your business. Nowadays, people want brands to have personality. That means taking your audience behind the scenes and showing them the faces behind the company.

TikTok is also a pretty uncomplicated platform to gain traction on, its countless trends being easy to take advantage of, no matter your niche. 

One of the biggest benefits of TikTok is that it tends to give content a much longer shelf life than other platforms. Due to the algorithm, it’s not uncommon for videos that initially went unnoticed to blow up in popularity several weeks or months after they were first posted.


Due to its pretty wide userbase, this is a good one for most businesses.

Twitter is the perfect place to build your brand personality through tone of voice. It’s also the ideal opportunity to offer your customers care, support and answers to their enquiries. 

Here to Help

If you’re still lost, there’s no need to suffer in silence. 

We offer bespoke social media packages designed and proven to help you meet your marketing goals and reach your target audience. 

Fill out our form or give us a call on 01243 974490 to inquire about our social media management services. Let us help you conquer the online space!

Your Complete Guide to Non-Visual Rebranding From a Branding Agency in Sussex

non-visual rebranding, branding agency in Sussex

Your Complete Guide to Non-Visual Rebranding From a Branding Agency in Sussex

A lot of people tend to think branding is only about aesthetics. 

A lot of people are wrong.

While there’s much to be said in favour of visual branding (most of which you can find in last week’s blog), it’s not all that makes a company stand out.

Take it from an experienced branding agency in Sussex – before you start thinking about any of the fun, creative elements of your branding, there are several integral things you need to consider.

Unique Selling Point

Not many businesses will get very far without a clearly defined USP driving every aspect of their branding.

There are most likely thousands of businesses in your industry selling very similar products and services to you. Realistically, how do you really expect yours to stand out amongst the sea of competition?

That’s where your USP comes in.

You need to think very carefully about this, as it is what your entire rebranding strategy will revolve around.

Your USP should be a benefit unique to your company, something that encourages people to invest in you over someone else.

Write a short statement that sums up your USP in a compelling, creative way. From this, you can move on to other aspects of your branding, positioning your USP at the forefront wherever possible.

Brand Values

Alongside your USP, your brand values should be the driving force behind everything your company does. 

Brand values are really no different to personal values. They are the beliefs that motivate you to uphold your standards. Your values, mission and vision work together to build a solid business foundation and ultimately help you succeed. After all, how can you measure your success if you have no standards to meet?

Having strong, unique brand values will help you maintain a loyal following, attract new customers and gain an advantage over your competition. 



Once you’ve established your USP and brand values, you can tailor your content to showcase your brand personality.

When creating content, don’t forget to consider your target audience. At the end of the day, your goal is to get them to invest in your services or products, which means you need to make sure they respond positively to what you’re putting out. Different demographics will appreciate different branding strategies.

If you’re aiming to appeal to a younger audience, maybe throw in a few topical memes and pop culture references. Most of what works on social media nowadays revolves around current trends, so make sure to consume enough content to understand how to capitalise on all the latest crazes.

On a similar note, it’s worth researching which social media outlets your target audience uses most frequently. You’ll likely find younger demographics prevalent on newer platforms like TikTok, while older generations are typically more active on Facebook.

Tone of Voice

This is definitely one of the more commonly overlooked elements of branding. 

Now more than ever, people want brands to have a personality. It’s not enough to spew out information and hope for the best; your audience wants to get to know your brand and understand what they’re dealing with to build a foundation of trust and form a relationship with the company itself. 

Your tone of voice is going to play a HUGE role in this. 

Think about it – the advertisements for McDonald’s don’t sound the same as those for Rolls Royce. Every brand has its own feel, designed to showcase its values and USP and cater to its target audience. 

To determine how your brand should sound, consider how you want to be perceived. Think about how your target audience will respond to various messaging tactics. From there, you can start to form a strategy that evokes the best reaction.


Make it Easy For Yourself

If this all sounds like a lot, we’re here for you.

We’ve been doing this for a fair few years and have helped countless brands form strong identities that resonate with their audiences. 

For a sustainable, effective branding strategy that actually works, get in touch with us via this form and set up a consultation. 

You deserve results. Let us help you get them.