What Are The Advantages Of Bespoke Website Development?

The nu media group office in West Sussex provides web design and digital marketing services.

What Are The Advantages Of Bespoke Website Development?

With online businesses growing fast, the need for a flexible and scalable website is also increasing. Millions of customers are restoring to the online buy and sell process. Hence the website is like a mirror of the company. Maintaining and developing a user-friendly website has become a major necessity for all businesses. Considering this situation, the need for bespoke websites has increased lately.

Why do you need a bespoke website? The answer is simple. A bespoke website gives you the option of retaining 100% control of the website’s design and needs and changing it as per the value of goals of the organisation for bespoke website development in Littlehampton.

Five Benefits Of Bespoke Website Development


Unique For Business

Businesses nowadays prefer having bespoke websites as they can customise the designs, templates, and content according to their business needs. Every business has a pre-set goal depending on how the initial website is designed. What if your vision changes? You need to convey the same to your target audience through your website. For a traditional website, this is not possible. However, the development team can change the design to fit your requirements if you have a bespoke website.

SEO And Social Media Services

If you want your website to rank at the top on every search engine, then you need to optimise the content as per the SEO needs, for this bespoke website is the most prominent option. Along with the functionality, all the features are retained. A bespoke website is generally more SEO friendly compared to a normal-themed website.

Economic Option

If you opt for customised website development, you won’t waste any money. Developers will build your website the way you instruct them. You can fix a budget and share the same with the developers to get all types of tailored functions and designs that will fit your needs. Furthermore, website development generally does not charge any hidden costs for bespoke website development.

Flexibility For Changes

The major purpose of a bespoke website is to fulfil the needs of the business. When you get a customised website, you can make any change anytime you want. Do you want to add a new tab? Do you want to change the design? Do you want to make the design more functional? All of these are possible if you opt for a bespoke website.

High Security

Bespoke websites are secure. The simple reasons being the codes for the website are under the complete control of the developers. They can alter the same anytime they want. You don’t need third-party plugins or open-source codes for the website. Generally, using third-party plugins can endanger the safety of your website and provoke hackers to hack the same easily. A bespoke website is thus a secured option.

Are you considering getting a website to boost your online presence? Contact nu media group for professional yet functional bespoke website development in Littlehampton. We have a team of efficient website developers who can help you with all types of websites. To know more, check our website.

Nu media Group

Why Should You Consider Outsourcing SEO Services?

The nu media group office in West Sussex provides web design and digital marketing services.

Why Should You Consider Outsourcing SEO Services?

SEO or search engine optimisation is not easy. Though digital marketing has various techniques to promote a business online, SEO is probably the most effective and popular one. Hence, businesses often seek trustworthy SEO services in Surrey to fulfil their digital marketing requirements. However, outsourcing this service from a reliable company will help you with all your SEO needs within your budget.

Benefits of Outsourcing SEO Solutions for Your Business

No matter whether it is a start-up or a well-established organisation, outsourcing SEO-related solutions from a reliable company will always be rewarding for your business. Instead of setting up an in-house team of SEO experts, outsourcing this service is a cost-effective and more strategically correct decision.

Here is how your organisation can benefit from your decision to outsource digital marketing services.

  • Get Access to SEO Talents

Most of the SEO services providing companies have a pool of talent. They have highly qualified and experienced SEO experts. You can easily access their knowledge and experience to solve your SEO issues. You do not need to develop your own SEO strategies or skill. Instead, you can enjoy the skill of some most dedicated and knowledgeable experts in this field to improve your website’s ranking.

  • Saves Your Valuable Time

Being the owner of a business, you have thousands of jobs. Involving SEO planning is a time-consuming venture. Besides, it will demand a lot of concentration. Hence, you may lack time and mental stamina to pay attention to other valuable tasks in your daily operations. Outsourcing this particular service will save you time. You can enjoy flawless SEO solutions without getting directly involved in them. You can easily utilise that extra time for something more important for your business.

  • Outsourcing SEO Saves Money

Outsourcing always works better when it comes to getting a cost-effective solution for your business than having an in-house team for digital marketing. The entire hiring and training process not only consumes time but is a costly way to fulfil your SEO requirements. Instead, you can consider working with an already established team of search engine optimisation experts to get the job done perfectly.

  • Gets More Guaranteed Results

Companies that outsource SEO follow relevant and useful methods of optimisation of websites. Hence, you can enjoy more guaranteed results. They use tools that ensure faster and more desirable results for your organisation according to the current algorithms of search engines. Hence, you can receive quicker results and enjoy s steady growth with the help of their rational SEO methods.

  • Offer Additional Services

Most outsourcing agencies offer various additional services along with their regular SEO plans. This may include website design, development, SMO or PPC. That means you can get different brand promotion and optimisation techniques under one roof.

At Nu Media Group, we offer a comprehensive service of SEO for different types of businesses located in and around Surrey. When you aim to work with a well-established SEO service in Surrey, we are the one you can trust. Our team has highly talented digital marketing specialists. We always offer bespoke services to meet your marketing plans.

Please get in touch with us for more information about our solutions.

Why Are Seasonal Videos Essential For Your Business?

Seasonal Video

Why Are Seasonal Videos Essential For Your Business?

With the new technology and social media updates, the use of video is becoming a huge part of marketing and is key to use for all businesses. Videos are an incredibly powerful marketing tool—but businesses don’t always use them to their full potential. Videos can be used to promote products and services, increase brand awareness, humanise your brand, and much more. If your business isn’t using videos in its marketing, you could be missing out on a huge opportunity to engage with your target audience. 

As the leaves change colour and fall from the trees, now is the time to start thinking about marketing your business for the autumn season. And what better way to do that than with a seasonal video? Seasonal videos are a great way to engage with your customers and get them excited about your products or services. Halloween and Christmas are significant events coming over the next few months, and here at nu media, we can help you to create the best spooky or holiday season video for your business. 

Show Off Your Brand Personality 

Videos give you the chance to show off your brand’s personality. By humanising your brand with videos, you’ll make it easier for people to connect with you and remember you when they need your products or services. Creating a seasonal video shows you can be fun and creative and adds personality to your brand, showing what you as a business are genuinely like. This makes your company relatable and inclusive for everyone, and people will want to interact with you. It can also help you stand out from the crowd. Having a seasonal video made is a little different and something that not everyone would think of. This enables you to get ahead of your competitors by doing something unique they might not consider. 

Did You Know?

Did you know that studies show that four times as many consumers would rather watch a video about a product instead of reading about it? This shows how powerful video can be for your business and how much of an impact it can have. Not using this tool is a huge mistake as it could lead you to gain a wider audience and more customers. 

YouTube has over a billion users, almost one-third of the internet, and those users watch over a billion hours of video daily. This shows how huge the Youtube platform has become. Think of this as a new audience for your business with the opportunity to reach new customers.  

Creating a seasonal video can also help you reach a wider audience on your social media platforms. Someone might see your seasonal video, think, wow, that looks really cool, and then want to interact with you. They might not have been interested in your brand before, but after seeing the video, they want to learn more about it. Reels on Instagram are key at the moment, and using a seasonal video in a reel is a fantastic way to help create engagement and reach new audiences. 

What Can nu media Do For You?

Here at nu media, we can cater to all your video needs. We have a professional, in-house videography team specialising in all types of video genres, catering to exactly what your business needs. Get started with video marketing today by letting us create a seasonal video for your business! With these tips, we will be sure to create an innovative, visually appealing video that promotes your products or services in the best possible light. Contact us today for any enquiries, or visit our video page here to find out more.

What is Email Marketing, and How Can it Benefit your Business?

Email Marketing

What is Email Marketing, and How Can it Benefit your Business?

Email marketing is a great way to keep in touch with your customers and promote your business. Email marketing is sending a commercial message, typically to a group of people, using email. It can help you build customer relationships, increase brand awareness, and drive traffic to your website. You can engage with new and existing customers through email marketing, which helps build loyalty, trust and brand awareness. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how email marketing can help your business and provide some tips for getting started.

Email marketing connects you with your audience. It shows that you care, and sending regular emails shows that you want to keep in contact with your customers, which helps build good customer relationships. There are many forms of email marketing, including welcome emails, latest offer emails, new product launch emails or a monthly newsletter. Each type of email marketing method will differ depending on the customers you are appealing to and the type of business you are running, so it is important that you use the best method for your business. To maximise the success of your email marketing campaign, it is important to consider a few key factors. 

Email marketing is the best way of engaging your customers. Here at nu media, we like to keep in contact with our clients regularly and having a good relationship with our customers is key for us. Branding throughout our emails is important as it shows consistency throughout the company. Using your brand colours, logos and fonts in your emails means your customers can recognise the message from you easily.

Using images and bold, eye-catching titles is another key factor in email marketing. Creating content that is engaging and that people want to read is essential. If you open an email, you’ll click off if it is boring and not engaging, which is something you don’t want to happen. The body of the email should be concise, and to the point, as many people are unlikely to read a long message. Video is a huge marketing strategy at the moment, so it would be good to include a short animation or video in your email marketing. Creating a short video gives your customers something to watch, and they can think wow, this is really cool. Including videos that explain things, tutorials or how-to videos can also work well.

In addition, it’s important to include a call to action. This could be anything, such as an offer or discount or a sign-up form. This helps to encourage recipients to take the desired action. Having click links that go straight to your website or to the contact us page means the client/customer will go straight from your email to your website or social media pages.

There can be a lot to remember, but with these tips in mind, email marketing can be a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. It is something that a lot of people do for their business, so it is important that you work to stay ahead of your competitors and do the same if it works for you. It could be about trial and error, seeing how people react to your emails, seeing if they like them, and seeing what is working. You can then change and adapt your email strategy to make it better.

Here at nu media group, we are a digital marketing agency helping all our customers achieve the best success possible in their business. If you need us to help you with your business, we have a range of services, including website design, social media management and SEO services that we can tailor to you. Contact us today, and we can help you get started!  

How Professional Photography Can Benefit Your Business

Business Video Services By nu media group

How Professional Photography Can Benefit Your Business

There’s no question that professional photography can take your business to the next level. It can be the difference between making a good impression and a great one. Professional photographers have the skills and equipment to capture high-quality images to help your business stand out from the competition. This blog post will discuss how professional photography can benefit your business.

Professional photography is an investment in your business. It doesn’t matter what industry you are working with or how old the company’s been going for; it’s a way to attract new customers and keep existing ones interested. We’ve broken down four reasons professional photos could help improve marketing efforts for any business.

You know that a picture is worth 1000 words. When it comes to marketing your business online, especially with social media, you need every slight advantage possible, so people not only discover what kind of services or products you offer but also feel who you are as a business! We always recommend using high-quality, professional images instead of generic stock photos. These will give prospective clients an honest representation of who or what your company entails rather than having them guess based on some unknown face behind the camera lens ́and product props placed strategically throughout.

Regarding SEO (search engine optimisation), you should never underestimate the power of photographs. These images are one way that Google recognises and rewards websites with high-quality content for their users’ searches on various topics, including local businesses like yours! Therefore, meaning your website could rank higher due to professional photography.

The ambience of a professional photographer can be an excellent addition to your business. Photographs are versatile and provide many opportunities for use across all social media platforms, including Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn & Facebook. They also enable offline promotion through promotional materials such as postcards or flyers to keep the brand consistent with its online presence. A great advantage when using photos from their services is how inexpensive they tend to be. You’re saving money in other areas if there’s more than one purpose behind them. Likewise, you’ll have the photos forever, therefore with multiple uses.

Photographers are used to flexible hours and can work around yours! Before the shoot, think about what photographs you want out of it and which type of photography style best suits both parties.

If you’re still on the fence about professional photography, let’s help by putting it into perspective for you. If you’re looking to book a meal at a restaurant, are you more likely to go with the ones with gorgeous food photography images or settle for one that looks average, slightly blurry and doesn’t look too appetising?

If you’re still lost, there is no need to worry. 

We offer photography and videography packages designed and proven to help meet your marketing goals and reach your target audience.

Please fill out our form or give us a call on 01243 974490 to enquire about our professional photography or videography services!

Do You Know Why Social Media Engagement Is Important For Your Business?

Social Media Engagement

Do You Know Why Social Media Engagement Is Important For Your Business?

Social media is constantly changing. With new updates and new features being added to the current social media platforms, one thing that never changes is that having a successful social media page isn’t all about the likes and followers. No business is the same, and everyone has a different audience, so you must tailor the content you are creating specifically to yours. Creating engaging content your selected audience likes and enjoys is more important than anything. This is what social media engagement can help with.


  Social media engagement is a metric that helps you to determine the success of your social media marketing. When creating and posting your content, you will be tailoring it to your specific audience. Social media engagement measures the number of interactions your customers have with the content that you post on your social media channels. Every ‘like’, ‘share’, ‘comment’, ‘retweet’ or ‘@mention’ is a form of engagement that shows customers are interested in your content. Always keeping up with and checking your engagement is crucial. Over time your audience can grow and change, and your content will do. Trends and styles come and go, and it is essential your content stays relevant but also to the style your audience likes. Checking the engagement levels will help determine whether your audience likes what you are posting. If they don’t, the engagement levels will be lower, and that’s ok because you can learn from it. Even poor engagement posts are good as you can see what’s not popular, so you know to avoid that type of content.


  Platforms like Facebook and Instagram are means of helping you build a relationship with your customers. Every time a customer interacts with your social media posts, it shows they are interested in what you have to say and what you are offering. Having better social media engagement means your customers have a stronger relationship with your brand and business. This, in turn, provides you with more opportunities to build brand loyalty, increase word-of-mouth referrals and can lead to an increase in sales. All these things help your business to be the best it can be.


  There are many ways you can increase your social media engagement, and the techniques will vary from business to business. Our first tip would be always to analyze your data. It’s hard to measure your growth if you don’t know where you’re starting from. Make sure to track regularly to catch jumps or dips in engagement that can give you valuable clues about what’s working or, just as importantly, what’s not. Personally engaging with your customers will help their engagement. Respond to your customers’ comments, mention your customers’ names in the response, create a conversation, and use emoticons to show how you feel. This helps to create a good and personal customer relationship which helps with customer loyalty. Also, asking questions and gathering answers and feedback with your customers can help build a relationship. In order to become a trusted seller, you need to be able to provide relevant answers to your customer’s questions and start a conversation. Ask questions to find out what they like and dislike. They are your key audience and need to be the ones who enjoy your content. Hosting contests and giveaways is another great way to let your customers know that their engagements are acknowledged and increase brand awareness. It is an excellent way to promote your brand and engage your audience. One example would be creating a competition on Instagram where people have to comment, tag a friend, and share the post on their story. This helps with engagement to get the comments and also helps to expand your audience. People who don’t already follow you may see the post on someone’s story, be interested and also engage in the post.


  Here at nu media group, we are a professional digital marketing agency based in Chichester. We can help with your social media channels and create engaging content for your business that your audience will love. Contact us today for more information and we will be happy to help with all your social media and digital marketing needs.

The Best Social Media Platform For Your Business: Explained

The Best Social Media Platform For Your Business: Explained

The Best Social Media Platform For Your Business: Explained

Picture this: You’ve just started your dream business.

It goes pretty well for the first few months; you’re getting sales here and there in your local area, and your revenues are slowly increasing. 

Until suddenly, they’re not.

There’s nothing quite as demotivating as watching your progress stagnate. 

Unfortunately, traditional word-of-mouth marketing probably isn’t enough to get your business noticed in this day and age. 

It doesn’t look like social media marketing is going anywhere anytime soon. Unfortunately, even the more traditional businesses need an active presence online if they’re hoping to get anywhere. 

Easier said than done, right?

With so many new social platforms emerging and growing in popularity with each passing year, you’re probably wondering where to even start.

The good news is this: You don’t need to be on every platform to succeed on social media. It’s much better if you get one or two right than do all of them half-heartedly.

Think it Through

The bad news is this: You do need to think logically about where you’re going to focus your efforts. 

Don’t panic, though! That’s what this blog is here for. We’ve broken down everything you need to think about before settling on a choice.

Take it Step by Step

First off (and most importantly), you need to think about why you’re using social media. What do you want to gain from it?

Some of the most common reasons businesses use social media are to build brand awareness, boost SEO, connect with customers, and drive sales.

We recommend choosing one or two key goals and focusing on those, at least for a little while.

Your next step is to identify your target audience and create a buyer persona

A buyer persona is a fictional character depicting your target customer, used in marketing to help businesses tailor their services and content to the customers’ needs and desires. 

(If you’d like to learn more about how to create a buyer persona and why they’re so important, stick around for next week’s blog.)

Next, consider what type of content your business lends itself to. If you have a website already, analyse what’s on there. 

Is it more visual or wordy?

Does your team have a strong dynamic that you could showcase through video?

Once you’re clear on those three points, it’s time to get down to business (no pun intended).


An oldie but a goodie. 

Despite declining in popularity slightly over the past few years, Facebook is still undoubtedly an invaluable tool in every marketer’s arsenal.

Facebook is particularly useful for businesses looking to connect with their customers due to its highly accessible communication features. 

Its targeted ad system is also a highly popular and effective method of promotion among countless businesses.

Some companies even create Facebook ‘groups’ for their loyal customer base.

It’s worth noting that Facebook is typically more popular with slightly older internet users, making it a good option for companies with buyer personas in that age bracket.


Instagram is perfect for any company with anything visual to show their audience. 

It’s also pretty diverse. From feed posts and reels to stories, you can share a wide range of content on Instagram. 

Having been designed for mobile devices, Instagram is typically mostly popular with the younger generations (think Gen Z and Millennials). 

The only downside to Instagram is the ever-evolving, ever-elusive algorithm, which has developed a pretty infuriating reputation with marketers over the past few years. Fortunately, it’s nothing a good strategy can’t overcome!


As the new kid on the block, TikTok is the platform you want if you’re aiming to appeal to the teens. 

This is the perfect opportunity to show the human side of your business. Nowadays, people want brands to have personality. That means taking your audience behind the scenes and showing them the faces behind the company.

TikTok is also a pretty uncomplicated platform to gain traction on, its countless trends being easy to take advantage of, no matter your niche. 

One of the biggest benefits of TikTok is that it tends to give content a much longer shelf life than other platforms. Due to the algorithm, it’s not uncommon for videos that initially went unnoticed to blow up in popularity several weeks or months after they were first posted.


Due to its pretty wide userbase, this is a good one for most businesses.

Twitter is the perfect place to build your brand personality through tone of voice. It’s also the ideal opportunity to offer your customers care, support and answers to their enquiries. 

Here to Help

If you’re still lost, there’s no need to suffer in silence. 

We offer bespoke social media packages designed and proven to help you meet your marketing goals and reach your target audience. 

Fill out our form or give us a call on 01243 974490 to inquire about our social media management services. Let us help you conquer the online space!

Your Complete Guide to Non-Visual Rebranding From a Branding Agency in Sussex

non-visual rebranding, branding agency in Sussex

Your Complete Guide to Non-Visual Rebranding From a Branding Agency in Sussex

A lot of people tend to think branding is only about aesthetics. 

A lot of people are wrong.

While there’s much to be said in favour of visual branding (most of which you can find in last week’s blog), it’s not all that makes a company stand out.

Take it from an experienced branding agency in Sussex – before you start thinking about any of the fun, creative elements of your branding, there are several integral things you need to consider.

Unique Selling Point

Not many businesses will get very far without a clearly defined USP driving every aspect of their branding.

There are most likely thousands of businesses in your industry selling very similar products and services to you. Realistically, how do you really expect yours to stand out amongst the sea of competition?

That’s where your USP comes in.

You need to think very carefully about this, as it is what your entire rebranding strategy will revolve around.

Your USP should be a benefit unique to your company, something that encourages people to invest in you over someone else.

Write a short statement that sums up your USP in a compelling, creative way. From this, you can move on to other aspects of your branding, positioning your USP at the forefront wherever possible.

Brand Values

Alongside your USP, your brand values should be the driving force behind everything your company does. 

Brand values are really no different to personal values. They are the beliefs that motivate you to uphold your standards. Your values, mission and vision work together to build a solid business foundation and ultimately help you succeed. After all, how can you measure your success if you have no standards to meet?

Having strong, unique brand values will help you maintain a loyal following, attract new customers and gain an advantage over your competition. 



Once you’ve established your USP and brand values, you can tailor your content to showcase your brand personality.

When creating content, don’t forget to consider your target audience. At the end of the day, your goal is to get them to invest in your services or products, which means you need to make sure they respond positively to what you’re putting out. Different demographics will appreciate different branding strategies.

If you’re aiming to appeal to a younger audience, maybe throw in a few topical memes and pop culture references. Most of what works on social media nowadays revolves around current trends, so make sure to consume enough content to understand how to capitalise on all the latest crazes.

On a similar note, it’s worth researching which social media outlets your target audience uses most frequently. You’ll likely find younger demographics prevalent on newer platforms like TikTok, while older generations are typically more active on Facebook.

Tone of Voice

This is definitely one of the more commonly overlooked elements of branding. 

Now more than ever, people want brands to have a personality. It’s not enough to spew out information and hope for the best; your audience wants to get to know your brand and understand what they’re dealing with to build a foundation of trust and form a relationship with the company itself. 

Your tone of voice is going to play a HUGE role in this. 

Think about it – the advertisements for McDonald’s don’t sound the same as those for Rolls Royce. Every brand has its own feel, designed to showcase its values and USP and cater to its target audience. 

To determine how your brand should sound, consider how you want to be perceived. Think about how your target audience will respond to various messaging tactics. From there, you can start to form a strategy that evokes the best reaction.


Make it Easy For Yourself

If this all sounds like a lot, we’re here for you.

We’ve been doing this for a fair few years and have helped countless brands form strong identities that resonate with their audiences. 

For a sustainable, effective branding strategy that actually works, get in touch with us via this form and set up a consultation. 

You deserve results. Let us help you get them. 


Comprehensive Guide to Visual Rebranding From an Expert Branding Agency in West Sussex

A Comprehensive Guide to Visual Rebranding From an Expert Branding Agency in West Sussex

A Comprehensive Guide to Visual Rebranding From an Expert Branding Agency in West Sussex

So… You’ve decided it’s time for a business makeover. You want to give your brand an innovative refresh, but you’re faced with the inevitable, inexorable question.


Rebranding is undoubtedly an intimidating task. How do you rebrand whilst maintaining your brand recognition? How do you change your business’s personality and values without losing your loyal customer base?

There are certainly a fair few brands that have failed in this regard in the past. Particularly notable rebranding mistakes include the likes of Gap and Weight Watchers. That’s right – even the most prominent names aren’t immune.

One of the biggest keys to a successful rebrand is making sure it’s actually necessary. If you’re wondering whether or not this is the next logical step for your business, check out our last blog to find out when you should reevaluate your branding efforts. 

If you’ve decided it’s time to rebrand visually, you’ve come to the right place. Keep reading for a comprehensive rebranding guide from an expert branding agency in West Sussex. 

How Far Will You Go?

This is pretty much the first question you need to ask yourself.

Do you want to completely make over your business with a total rebrand? Of course, there’s a lot more at stake when you start from scratch, but it is necessary in some cases.

The more common course of action is a partial rebrand, which involves adjusting your brand identity to better suit your new values, mission or market.

Company Name

If you’re going for a total rebrand, this branding element is going to be at the top of your list of considerations. Of course, it’s always going to be a risky move to change the name of your business, particularly for more established companies, as you could be jeopardising your brand recognition.

However, if your brand name no longer aligns with the services or products you offer, renaming could be a necessary step to starting afresh. Alternatively, if you’re attempting to absolve your brand from a bad reputation, a name change could help give you the distance you were looking for.

Logo and Slogan

Aside from your name, your logo and slogan will likely be the most memorable elements of your brand. 

Think about it.

If you hear: ‘Just Do It’ or ‘Because You’re Worth it’, you instantly think about Nike and Loreal. Similarly, if you see a big yellow ‘M’ on a billboard somewhere, you know instantly what company is being advertised. 

That’s the power of a good logo and slogan.

When it comes to your logo, we always recommend not straying too far from the original. This will help you retain much more of your brand recognition than if you completely switched it up.

As far as your slogan goes, you ideally want it to align with your USP (unique selling proposition). After all, your slogan is essentially a marketing tool to a) encapsulate the essence of your company and b) help you stand out. Coincidentally, that’s also the job of your USP. 

Colour and Typography

Of course, you can’t do much with a logo or a slogan without colours and fonts. 

Typography is an invaluable tool for showcasing your brand’s personality and reaching the targeted audience. Trying to give off a formal impression, targeting a more mature demographic? Maybe opt for a classic serif font like Times New Roman. Or maybe you’re trying to make a statement and project your creative side? In that case, a decorative typeface might do the trick (though we recommend not overusing decorative fonts).

You can’t underestimate the power of colour psychology in your marketing strategy. Consider how you want your audience to feel when thinking about your brand. Think about the impression you want to give. Colour themes are about more than just brand recognition; they are also about personality.

Rebranding Made Easy

If you’re overwhelmed, you won’t be for much longer.

nu media group comprises a dynamic team of branding experts eager to help you in your rebranding endeavours.

We can help you with every element of your visual branding, helping you smash your new market and achieve all your marketing goals.

Get in touch with us via the form on our website to set up a branding consultation. If you’d like a guide to the non-visual elements of rebranding, stick around to read next week’s blog.

Is Your Business in Desperate Need of a Rebrand?

is your business in need of a rebrand

Is Your Business in Desperate Need of a Rebrand?

Rebranding… Seems a bit intimidating, right? It doesn’t have to be.  You might have noticed the shiny new nu media group website, which is just one of the elements of our company we have changed as part of our recent rebranding efforts.  Following our exciting move to an amazing new office, we thought our entire brand was due a makeover to mark a new era of our agency. This has been a huge, collaborative team effort involving plenty of planning, strategy and design.  There’s a misconception that branding is all about aesthetics. While this is certainly a big part of it, a lot of other elements go into building a brand.  We have had to consider all of these, which include logo design, colour theme, typography, tone of voice, social media presence and brand positioning, to name a few.  Sounds like a lot of work, doesn’t it? So, how do you know when your company needs to rebrand?  There are many reasons you may consider reevaluating certain aspects of your business. We’ve compiled a handy list of a select few instances that may (or may not) call for a rebrand. 

Your Product/Service Range is Expanding or Growing

Attempting to break into a new market?

You might find it tricky to do so if your brand itself is stuck in the past.

Upgrading your branding, either partially or fully, could introduce you to a whole new audience by earning a fair bit of attention. You’re likely to rope in a whole new clientele by tailoring your branding to suit your target audience. After all, people want different things. You need to consider the psychology of branding to win over your new intended demographic.

It's Broke, So Fix It

Things not going to plan is an inevitable part of running a business.

Sometimes, the vision you originally had for your brand might not pan out. It might not be enticing the right audience, or perhaps it seems too generic. Alternatively, you may have neglected some essential marketing techniques and are suffering as a result. It’s not uncommon for businesses to overlook things like SEO, web design and social media engagement. 

Sound familiar? It’s never too late to fix it. 

Bear in mind that you don’t necessarily have to completely transform your brand to make a difference. Start by analysing your goals and figuring out a comprehensive plan of how you’re going to achieve them. Rethink the aspects of your business that aren’t working and give them a quick makeover. 

You're Not Standing Out

Chances are, there will be a fair few other companies in your industry targeting the same audience you are. It’s reasonable to assume that some of them are implementing similar branding and marketing strategies.

You never want to be in a situation where people are mixing up your company with someone else’s. Do some research on how you can make your branding better than your competition and make a bold statement when you release it to the world.

After all, your business is unique. It deserves to be recognised as such.

Let Us Do The Hard Work For You

Not sure how to actually go about the rebranding process? No worries. 

The team at nu media group is highly seasoned in the art of branding. We are always thrilled at the prospect of working with new businesses and helping them thrive in the digital space. Email us at hello@numediahub.co.uk today to set up a consultation, where we can start to devise a plan for your success. 

Got more questions? Keep a keen eye on our blog over the coming weeks to read more of our expert branding tips and tricks. In the meantime, feel free to browse through our brand new site to your heart’s content.